State-of-the-art technology

State-of-the-art technology: Sirona’s 3D Cone Beam Computed Tomography Technology – Because you deserve nothing but the best

Sirona’s cone beam system is a gold standard for digital imaging in dental practices. It provides dentists and healthcare providers with high-resolution images, improved ease of use, and helps in preventative dentistry making it the right choice for most efficient, accurate, and precise scans.

Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) uses the same basic premise as regular Computerized Tomography (CT) scans and x-rays to assist dentists in developing the most effective treatment plans for their patients. If you have been recommended to have a CBCT from your Dental provider and have been hesitant, this article may help you understand its uses. 

What is a Cone Beam Scanner?

It is a digital imaging system that offers a comprehensive, complete 3D image of a patient’s dental structure including the soft tissue, surrounding jaw, and nerve pathways. 

What is a cone beam?

Cone beam imaging provides dental professionals with the unprecedented ability to evaluate a patient’s dental health in three dimensions, providing high image quality, better visualization of anatomical structures and powerful image management capabilities for superior treatment planning. The beam being cone-shaped allows for a variety of angles in the resulting data, in a comprehensive surgical slice in 3D rather than the limited 2D views offered by other imaging systems. 

Benefits of the Sirona 3D CBCT 

Oral health plays a major part in ensuring a person’s well-being and overall health. The dental cone beam system gives dentists a better understanding and view of a patient’s problems and issues. 

Additionally, high-quality imaging aids in the prevention of dental decay and produces more precise surgical care. It helps dentists diagnose conditions like sleep apnea, TMJ, dental cavities, and endodontic issues.

Advanced imaging systems like these gather data not only focused on the patient’s teeth but also the surrounding area, sinuses, jaw, and part of the skull. It provides comprehensive imaging to provide complete care. This approach identifies problems proactively and enables patients to maintain good dental health and hygiene.

Here are five reasons why it is beneficial for you:

  1. Provides precise 3D images due to the system’s better field of view. It allows dentists to notice and diagnose issues earlier before they flare up. 
  2. It provides better scan accuracy for complex procedures like root canals, orthodontic correction as well as dental implants and restorations.
  3. Fasted imaging, the CBCT is a rapid imaging technology that can scan multiple areas at once. This reduces radiation and allows for faster responses. 
  4. It is flexible and easy to use, allowing 360-degree panoramic x-ray views, and the best part is that you do not need to sit in a certain position. 
  5. The Sirona cone beam CT is less bulky and gives a whole-body approach for dentists to visualize a patient’s teeth and how it interacts with the skeletal structure. 

Why is it revolutionary?

Traditional x-rays are designed to diagnose cavities; you might have had one of these when you went to the dentist. CBCT and CT scans have replaced X-ray machines, as these technologies provide the dentist with a more detailed look at the dental structure . This system has a  cone shaped beam and revolves around the patient, covering a larger area and thus is more efficient than the CT scans. The CBCT technology has shifted the paradigm from corrective dental care to preventative dental care.

What to expect when undergoing the scan?

Preparation is quite easy, and we have you covered. You will be instructed to remove any glasses, metal articles, jewelry, hearing aids, and anything metallic. We recommend that you also wear comfortable clothing and shoes so you can be relaxed.

Women who are pregnant or expecting to be should inform the doctor before having a CBCT like any other imaging, the radiation could be harmful to the fetus. 

You will be instructed to stand or sit and gently bite on a piece of plastic to position your teeth. It is vital to stay as still as possible to get the sharpest pictures, The scan just takes 40 seconds, and it is quiet. 

During the scan, the machine will move around your head capturing data like machines that take panoramic x-rays. 

Should You be sedated before the procedure?

No, the process is quick and completely painless, noninvasive  and safe, so no kind of sedation is  required. The images will be sent to your dentist to decide on the best course of treatment.

How much does it cost?

The cost of a cone beam CT scan depends on how much surface area needs to be imaged. Your medical or dental insurance might cover some or all the cost depending on the type of insurance. However, we recommend that you check with your insurance provider beforehand if you are not sure. 

What about radiation? Is the scan harmful?

It is normal to be concerned about radiation when you hear the term “CT” no matter what kind of imagery. At MacArthur Dental Arts, we encourage our patients to ask us questions or concerns that they might have about the risk of radiation exposure.

The benefits of a cone beam CT outweigh the risks involved with the low-dose radiation, especially when it reduces the need for additional imagery and offers a comprehensive scan with just one CT.

How do we use the Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) at MacArthur Dental Arts?

At Macarthur Dental arts we believe in providing a comprehensive and a well-rounded approach to oral health. Our focus is on preventive and restoration methods that reduce the need for further procedures over time. 

We focus on a patient-centric approach and these scans assist with planning implant treatments. It helps us provide customized treatments and identify problems or concerns well before they become a painful problem.