All you need to know about Dental Implants

Imagine this: you're sitting across from your potential supervisor giving the interview of your lifetime that could land you the job of your dreams. You're well-qualified for the job and have all the relevant skills.

But as soon as you speak, you become immensely aware of your missing teeth and your self-confidence tumbles down. You wonder if the interviewer notices it too. Your self-consciousness overshadows your abilities, and you regret not getting a tooth replacement surgery done before.

Now, snap out of your imagination and let it remain one only! We understand dental imperfections can be more than appearance; they can affect your social life and self-esteem. But we have the perfect solution to restore your smile: dental implants. 

They are permanent additions to your set because they are designed to fuse with the bone. As a result, they improve your overall appearance by looking and feeling like natural teeth. But this is not all! According to WebMD, implant success rates are up to 98%, depending on where the implant is placed in your jaw.

Excited to know more about it? This blog will take you through everything you should know about dental implants so that you can make a sensible decision about the implant procedure.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are artificial teeth made of a material like Titanium that is surgically placed into the jawbone to act as a replacement for tooth roots. Since they are infused into the jawbone, these implants are considered better than traditional methods like dentures, crowns, and bridges since they don't slip or cause damage to the bone.

Here are a few cases when this oral surgery might be right for you:

  1. Looking for a permanent replacement for your missing tooth
  2. Missing one or more teeth due to periodontal disease or injury
  3. Don't have health conditions that affect healing
  4. Have adequate bone density and healthy oral tissues
  5. Don't indulge in smoking

Advantages of Dental Implants:

Now that you have a basic idea of dental implants, let us tell you some of the dental implant benefits that will help you know why they are the preferred option to restore your dental health:

  1. Improved Chewing Ability: As dental implants are attached to the jawbone, they can easily handle the force of chewing and biting, which might be difficult for dentures and bridges.
  1. Enhanced Oral Health: When you choose bridges, food can get stuck under the bridge, resulting in tartar or plaque. Dental implants safeguard against such instances while preserving jawbone and preventing bone loss due to missing teeth.
  1. Better Speech: If your denture is ill-fitted, they can slip out of your mouth and cause slurring of words. With dental implants, there is no risk of such a scenario, allowing you to speak freely and confidently.
  1. Maximized Comfort: Dental implants are permanently fixed in your gum, reducing the discomfort and irritation of removing and cleaning them after meals like dentures.

Preparing For A Dental Implant Procedure

If you are planning to get a dental implant procedure, here are a few things you should know for complete dental restoration:

Before The Procedure

Before getting dental implant surgery, the dentists will thoroughly evaluate your mouth by taking dental X-rays and 3D images to make models of your teeth and jaw. This will help them decide how many teeth need to be replaced and assess the condition of your jawbone and gum health.

As a patient, you must be truthful to your dentist and disclose all your medical history, including any medications you might take. If you have other implants or heart conditions, your doctor might recommend some antibiotics to prevent the chance of infection.

During The Procedure:

Once the dentists have laid down the entire plan for your oral surgery, it is time to start the procedure. The dentists will provide anesthesia or sedation to reduce the pain and begin the process. 

It is an outpatient surgery performed in stages-starting by removing damaged teeth, then preparing the jawbone and placing dental implants. Then, the doctors wait for bone healing before placing the abutment. Finally, the dentist will place your new artificial teeth.

After The Procedure:

Once the dental implant surgery has been completed, it is time for you to take the road to recovery. Here are some dental implant aftercare tips that you should follow to recuperate without a hitch:

  1. Avoid hot liquids and spicy items for the initial three to four days. Then, you can return to your normal diet but avoid crunchy foods.
  2. Take pain-relievers like ibuprofen or other medications to treat post-surgery symptoms like swelling, discomfort, and bleeding.
  3. Avoid alcohol and smoking, which can slow healing, eventually leading to implant failure.
  4. One day after the process, rinse your mouth with warm saltwater three to four times.
  5. Limit strenuous activities for the next 48 hours to avoid discomfort.

Potential Risks Of Dental Implant Surgery

While dental implants have their set of benefits, it is important to understand that some people experience certain dental implant complications post-surgery:

  1. Nerve damage, causing pain and numbness in surrounding areas like chin and lips
  2. Sinus if dental implants in the upper jaw extend to sinus cavities
  3. Infection at the implant site
  4. Opening of the incision post-surgery
  5. Damage to adjacent teeth or blood vessels
  6. Excessive movement of the implant

While these problems are uncommon, you must visit your oral surgeon if you encounter any such instances, as they might require additional treatment or dental implant removal.

Summing Up

If you want to know whether you're a good candidate for implant dentistry, it is important to consult your oral surgeons and get a comprehensive evaluation done. 

At MacArthur Dental Arts, we provide a wide range of services, like general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, and restorative dentistry, to help us address all dental needs of all ages. With us, you can even benefit from same-day dental care in case of emergencies and ease your pain without worries.